It's 2024, are you still paying for Call Tracking?
CallGen provides state-of-the-art call tracking and analytics services for FREE, yes that's right, FREE. Contact us today to learn more.
Get real-time insights into your customer conversations with CallGens. Our call tracking, recording, and transcription services provide you with the data you need to improve your sales and customer service processes.
Conversation Insights
Call Tracking, Recording, & Transcriptions
Do you know which of your ads are the most effective? CallGens AI-Powered Call Tracking Software can connect your Marketing Spend to Phone Calls. Get your free trial today!
Find out what makes your phone ring
Products that your team will actually use!
Call tracking is a valuable tool for businesses of any size. By using call tracking, companies can gain important information about the performance of their marketing campaigns, as well as track customer service calls and identify trends in customer feedback. With call tracking, companies can measure the effectiveness of each individual campaign and determine which channels are driving the most phone calls. This helps marketers optimize their marketing efforts to drive the highest ROI.
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Description text goes hereThe call tracking industry is a rapidly growing sector, and with the influx of AI and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, a new era of data-driven insights is being unlocked. Conversation analytics gives businesses unprecedented access to a wealth of attributional data from inbound phone calls that can be used to better identify areas for improvement across a range of key performance indicators.
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Human and AI call scoring reveling your team’s strengths and more importantly areas of imrpovement.
Optimize your marketing spend.
Make that phone ring.
We speak with the other guys too!
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